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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 185, P19
Red Polished III
Rim, neck, handle and body fragment from a medium-sized jug. Piriform body. Narrow cylindrical neck. Round horizontal mouth with everted rounded rim. Vertical handle from the lower neck, oval in section, inserted through wall at lower end. Shallow circular finger impression on neck immediately above handle join. Incision on handle only. Three horizontal lines on upper and mid-handle. Two horizontal lines at base of handle. Slip flaking. Some medium-sized soft red inclusions and burnt out organic filler. Drawn.
General shape: large closed -- Extent preserved: >1/3 -- Parts: rim, neck, handle+body -- Joins: 9 -- Mouth type: round -- Mouth angle: horizontal -- Rim course: everted -- Rim profile: thinning -- Rim end: rounded -- Handle type: low vertical -- Handle section: oval -- Handle location: lower neck -- Neck type: cylindrical -- Rim diameter - general: <100 -- Rim diameter - specific: 60 -- Wall below rim: 5 -- Wall - body: 5 -- Handle section 1: 15 -- Handle section 2: 18 -- Exterior slip: thin -- Exterior lustre: medium -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 2.5YR5/6 -- Colour - fabric: 7.5YR5/4 -- Colour - core: light -- Burnish: even -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: few -- Inclusions - size: small, medium -- Inclusions - colour: black, white, red -- Hardness: soft -- Core presence: thin -- Decoration technique: imp+inc -- Decoration quality: medium