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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 215, P51
Red Slip
Mended almost complete small spouted juglet. Squat globular body, flattened base. Narrow neck, mostly missing, with additional interior cylinder of clay. Uptilted tubular spout, mostly missing, on shoulder. Pierced lug handle at neck-base opposite spout. Two small unpierced lugs on upper body (one broken away from surface) and one at base of spout (also missing). Three unpierced lugs on mid-body, as preserved. Red-brown slip, shading to dark grey/black on one side. Thin incised decoration, executed with a three-pronged tool. Three vertical wavy lines below spout and below pierced lug handle to base. On sides of body, alternating groups of three horizontal wavy and straight lines. Drawn.
General shape: small closed -- Extent preserved: >2/3 -- Parts: neck, body, handle, base, spout -- Joins: 4 -- Base type: flat -- Handle type: pierced lug -- Handle location: lower neck -- Spout type: tubular -- Lug type: unpierced -- Lug number: 6 -- Rim diameter - general: <100 -- Height - body: 74 -- Height - maximum diameter: 35 -- Diameter - body: 85 -- Diameter - base: 35 -- Wall - body: 4 -- Exterior slip: thin -- Exterior lustre: slight -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 2.5YR5/6 -- Colour - fabric: 7.5YR6/6 -- Colour - core: light -- Burnish: even -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: few -- Inclusions - size: small -- Inclusions - colour: black, white -- Hardness: medium-soft -- Core presence: thin -- Decoration technique: incised -- Decoration quality: medium