Detail View: DeneiaArchive:

Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 215, P53
Red Polished III
large closed
Body and base of a large closed tripod vessel. Round base with one attached foot preserved, elongated oval in section (length 76mm), ending in a flattened point. Location of second foot visible in break. Incised and impressed decoration preserved on small area of lower body. Probably part of one or more vertical incised zig-zags with impressed dots at the angles. Drawn.
General shape: large closed -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: body, base -- Joins: 2 -- Base type: tripod -- Wall - body: 5 -- Wall - base: 6 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: slight -- Mottling - exterior: slight -- Colour - exterior: 2.5YR5/4 -- Colour - fabric: 2.5YR4/8 -- Colour - core: dark -- Burnish: even -- Texture: medium -- Inclusions - number: few -- Inclusions - size: small -- Inclusions - colour: red, white -- Hardness: hard -- Core presence: thick -- Decoration technique: imp+inc -- Decoration quality: poor