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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 215, P60
Red Polished IV
Two non-joining mended neck, handle, body and base fragments of a small jug. Ovoid body. Wide flattened base, slightly convex on the interior. Narrow neck tapering to missing, probably cutaway, mouth. Low vertical handle from below rim, oval in section, inserted through wall at lower end, with tenon cut or broken off on interior. Seven small unpierced lugs on front and sides of neck, as preserved, arranged in three vertical rows of three (or more). Thinly incised decoration, executed with a three-pronged tool, one prong of which has made a lesser line than the other two (in places giving impression of two rather than three lines). Two-line disconnected vertical zig-zag on handle. On neck five (or more) horizontal sets of three wavy lines. On body four or more sets of three vertical wavy lines to lower body. Drawn.
General shape: large closed -- Extent preserved: >1/3 -- Parts: neck, handle, base, body -- Joins: 11 -- Base type: flat -- Handle type: low vertical -- Handle section: oval -- Handle location: below rim -- Neck type: upward taper -- Lug type: unpierced -- Lug number: 7 -- Diameter - base: 70 -- Wall below rim: 5 -- Wall - body: 4 -- Wall - base: 4 -- Handle section 1: 16 -- Handle section 2: 12 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: slight -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 7.5YR6/4, 7.5YR5/4 -- Colour - fabric: 7.5YR5/4 -- Colour - core: light -- Burnish: even -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: few -- Inclusions - size: small -- Inclusions - colour: black, white, red -- Hardness: hard -- Core presence: thin -- Decoration technique: incised -- Decoration quality: medium