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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 294, P36
White Painted IV
Rim, neck, handle and upper body fragment of a juglet. Narrow neck tapering slightly to cutaway mouth. Low vertical handle from mid-neck. Small unpierced lug at neck-base opposite handle. Decorated in matt dark brown paint. Solid paint on rim. Wavy line on surface of handle; solid paint on sides of handle. Multiple horizontal lines on neck, to either side of a vertical line on front of neck. On upper body, as preserved, horizontal wavy line above a straight horizontal line. Fine to medium textured greenish fabric, fired medium hard to hard. Drawn.
General shape: small closed -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: rim, neck, handle+body -- Joins: 1 -- Mouth type: cut-away -- Handle type: low vertical -- Handle section: oval -- Handle location: mid neck -- Neck type: upward taper -- Lug type: unpierced -- Lug number: 1 -- Wall below rim: 3 -- Wall - body: 3 -- Handle section 1: 11 -- Handle section 2: 7 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: matt -- Paint lustre: matt -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 10YR8/2, 10YR8/3 -- Colour - fabric: 5YR7/3-6/3 -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: none -- Hardness: hard -- Core presence: none -- Decoration technique: painted