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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 34, P42
White Painted IV
Body and base fragment of a small bowlI. Probably the same vessel as P29. Flat raised disk base, slightly concave underneath. Decorated with fugitive black paint, present only as a shadow. On interior two pairs of parallel vertical wavy lines, crossing at centre of base. Pair of short wavy lines in preserved interstice. On exterior solid paint on edge of base. On underside of base two parallel wavy lines. On body framed solid rectilinear chequerboard panels, with one vertical line between and two horizontal lines above. Drawn.
General shape: small open -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: body, base -- Joins: 1 -- Base type: disk -- Diameter - base: 32 -- Wall - body: 4 -- Wall - base: 7 -- Exterior slip: none -- Interior slip: none -- Paint lustre: worn -- Colour - paint: 7.5YR3/1 -- Colour - fabric: 2.5Y7/2 -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: none -- Hardness: medium-soft -- Core presence: none -- Decoration technique: painted -- Decoration quality: high