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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 789, P166
Red Polished III
Rim and neck fragment from a large jug. Slightly tapening cylindrical neck, round horizontal mouth with everted, almost flattened rim. Upper handle end inserted through lower neck (missing). Rim chipped. Incised and relief decoration. Horizontal relief band at neck-base, incised with parallel angled dashes. On neck three-line vertical zig-zag, fairly crudely drawn. On side of neck four groups of three parallel angled dashes arranged in a vertical row. Drawn.
General shape: large closed -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: rim, neck -- Joins: 5 -- Mouth type: round -- Mouth angle: horizontal -- Rim course: everted -- Rim profile: thinning -- Rim end: rounded -- Handle type: vertical -- Handle location: lower neck -- Neck type: upward taper -- Rim diameter - general: <100 -- Rim diameter - specific: 90 -- Wall below rim: 10 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: high -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 10R4/8 -- Colour - fabric: 7.5YR7/6 -- Colour - core: dark -- Burnish: even -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: medium -- Inclusions - size: small -- Inclusions - colour: black, white, red -- Hardness: medium-soft -- Core presence: thick -- Decoration technique: rel+inc