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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 789, P300
Red Polished III
Mended base and body fragment from a juglet. Globular body, rounded base. Narrow neck (missing). Vertical handle inserted through shoulder (missing). Conical downward-sloping lug on shoulder at front of vessel. Very finely incised decoration. Five parallel horizontal lines below neck base. On body four vertical bands of plain lozenges (or diamonds) framed to either side by horizontal hatching and three vertical lines (one below handle, one below lug and one at centre of each side). On one side of body, to either side of this band, two narrow vertical hatched zig-zag bands with groups of four to five short angled lines in the interstices. On the other side, to either side of central band, a vertical row of large hatched lozenges (or diamonds) with a central vertical line. On lower body nine parallel horizontal lines. Drawn.
General shape: small closed -- Extent preserved: >2/3 -- Parts: body, base -- Joins: 15 -- Base type: round -- Handle type: vertical -- Lug type: unpierced -- Lug number: 1 -- Height - body: 95 -- Height - maximum diameter: 50 -- Diameter - body: 100 -- Wall - body: 7 -- Wall - base: 7 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: high -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 2.5YR5/6 -- Colour - fabric: 10YR7/4 -- Colour - core: light -- Burnish: even -- Texture: very fine -- Inclusions - number: none -- Hardness: medium-hard -- Core presence: thick -- Decoration technique: incised -- Decoration quality: high