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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 789, P312
Red Polished IV
Joining and non-joining rim, body and base fragments from a small bowl. Hemispherical body, straight rounded rim. Round base. Fine incised decoration, probably executed with a three-pronged tool. No infill. On upper body, three-line horizontal zig-zag between triple horizontal lines. On lower body and base, two vertical sets of three lines crossing at centre of base. In each quadrant an angled set of three lines. Drawn.
General shape: small open -- Extent preserved: >1/3 -- Parts: rim, body -- Joins: 13 -- Rim course: straight -- Rim profile: constant -- Rim end: rounded -- Base type: round -- Rim diameter - general: 100-200 -- Rim diameter - specific: 173 -- Height to rim: 60 -- Height - maximum diameter: 60 -- Wall below rim: 3 -- Wall - body: 4 -- Wall - base: 4 -- Exterior slip: thick -- Interior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: medium -- Interior lustre: medium -- Mottling - interior: none -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 5YR5/6 -- Colour interior: 5YR5/6 -- Colour - fabric: 7.5YR6/4 -- Burnish: even -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: medium -- Inclusions - size: small, medium -- Inclusions - colour: white -- Hardness: medium-hard -- Core presence: none -- Decoration technique: incised -- Decoration quality: medium