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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 789, P313
Red Slip
Rim, neck, handle and upper body fragment from a large tankard. Broad slightly convex-sided neck, round horizontal mouth with sharply everted flattened and downsloping rim. Very high vertical handle from the rim, rectangular in section, not inserted through the wall at the lower end. Prominent pierced thumb-grip at handle apex. Incised, impressed and relief decoration. On rim impressed dots. Vertical low relief chain on surface of handle. Vertical incision on thumb-grip to rim. On the neck, three vertical wavy lines between three horizontal lines. On upper body, three horizontal lines at level of handle join. Three horizontal straight or wavy lines below. Incision thinly executed with a three-pronged tool. Drawn.
General shape: large closed -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: rim, handle, neck, body -- Joins: 8 -- Mouth type: round -- Mouth angle: horizontal -- Rim course: everted -- Rim profile: thickening -- Rim end: flattened -- Handle type: high vertical -- Handle section: rectangle -- Handle location: from rim -- Handle projection present -- Neck type: convex -- Rim diameter - general: 100-200 -- Rim diameter - specific: 110 -- Wall below rim: 6 -- Wall - body: 4 -- Handle section 1: 19 -- Handle section 2: 14 -- Exterior slip: thin -- Exterior lustre: slight -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 2.5YR4/3 -- Colour - fabric: 10YR7/4 -- Colour - core: light -- Texture: medium -- Inclusions - number: none -- Hardness: hard -- Core presence: none -- Decoration technique: rep+inc+imp -- Decoration quality: medium