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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 789, P316
Red Polished IV
Rim and body fragment from a small bowl. Slightly incurving round rim. Cup-shaped rim projection. Incised decoration, executed with a three-pronged tool. Gritty fabric with medium number of white inclusions visible on the surface. Below rim, groups of three horizontal lines discontinuous around vessel. Below, three continuous horizontal lines above another shorter set of three lines and three horizontal wavy lines. Drawn.
General shape: small open -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: rim, body -- Joins: 1 -- Rim course: incurved -- Rim profile: constant -- Rim end: rounded -- Rim projection: single plain -- Rim diameter - general: 100-200 -- Rim diameter - specific: 160 -- Wall below rim: 5 -- Wall - body: 5 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Interior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: slight -- Interior lustre: matt -- Mottling - interior: none -- Mottling - exterior: medium -- Colour - exterior: 5YR5/4 -- Colour interior: 5YR4/1 -- Colour - fabric: 5YR6/4 -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: medium -- Inclusions - size: small, medium -- Inclusions - colour: white -- Hardness: medium-hard -- Core presence: none -- Decoration technique: incised -- Decoration quality: high