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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 789, P349
Red Polished III
large bowl
Joining and non-joining rim and body fragments from a large bowl. Conical body, incurved flattened downsloping rim. Relief, impressed and incised decoration. On rim, oppositely angled sets of three parallel lines. On body, two plain wavy lines in relief with a horizontal line between and one below. Above and below each wavy line a horizontal row of impressed circles (all the same size). At left edge of sherd, a vertical plain relief wavy line with additional impressed circles at the break. Drawn.
General shape: large open -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: rim, body -- Joins: 3 -- Rim course: incurved -- Rim profile: thinning -- Rim end: flattened -- Rim diameter - general: 300-400 -- Wall below rim: 9 -- Wall - body: 13 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Interior slip: thin -- Exterior lustre: medium -- Interior lustre: medium -- Mottling - interior: none -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 2.5YR5/6 -- Colour interior: 10R4/6 -- Colour - fabric: 5YR5/6 -- Colour - core: light -- Burnish: even -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: few -- Inclusions - size: small -- Inclusions - colour: white, grey -- Hardness: medium-soft -- Core presence: thin -- Decoration technique: rep+inc+imp -- Decoration quality: medium