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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 789, P351
Red Polished III
large closed
Several non-joining body fragments from a large vessel, probably a jug. Broad globular body, probably rounded base. Burnt-out organics in fabric. Very finely executed relief decoration with incision. Two complete moufflon. A third preserved as the upper body only. Also a non-joining sherd with four legs which may belong to the same or to a fourth animal. One complete moufflon appears to be isolated from surrounding motifs. The other two are positioned to the right of a horizontal zig-zag/wavy line with incised parallel angled lines along most of its length and three vertical incisions at each end (resembling a fringe). Two parallel horizontal relief lines, also with parallel angled incisions, around base of neck. Animals and fringed zig-zags located on the shoulder. Additional fragment shows one end of a fringed zig-zag to left of a two-line concentric circle motif (inner circle plain and raised in higher relief than outer; outer circle decorated with three sets of angled incisions). The moufflon have high curving horns, short raised tails, long legs and erect penises. On the body are two sets of three oppositely angled lines. A third set appears on the neck and another on the head. Horns, legs and tail have multiple parallel angled incisions. At the end of the horns, head, legs, tail and penis is a small impressed dot. Drawn.
General shape: large closed -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: body -- Joins: 21 -- Wall - body: 10 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: medium -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 2.5YR5/6, 2.5YR4/6 -- Colour - fabric: 10YR6/4 -- Colour - core: light -- Burnish: even -- Texture: medium -- Inclusions - number: few -- Inclusions - size: small, medium -- Inclusions - colour: white, red, grey -- Hardness: medium-hard -- Core presence: thin -- Decoration technique: rel+inc -- Decoration quality: high