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Tomb and Item: 
Tomb 920, P3
Red Polished III
Almost complete spouted juglet (intact in ground with neck and handle lost in recent erosion). Globular body, rounded base. Long narrow uptilted spout from mid-body, inserted through wall (length 58mm). Narrow neck (diameter at base 20), inserted into body. Incised and impressed decoration. On body, to either side of spout a two-line vertical zig-zag with sets of three impressed dots at the angles. One also to each side of missing handle/body join. In between, on either side of vessel, a vertical row of short dashes, arranged in oppositely angled sets. Drawn.
General shape: small closed -- Extent preserved: >2/3 -- Parts: body, base, spout -- Joins: 7 -- Base type: round -- Spout type: tubular -- Spout shape: cylindrical -- Height - body: 78 -- Height - maximum diameter: 35 -- Diameter - body: 75 -- Wall - body: 7 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: medium -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 2.5YR4/6 -- Colour - fabric: 5YR4/4 -- Colour - core: dark -- Burnish: even -- Texture: fine -- Inclusions - number: few -- Inclusions - size: small, medium -- Inclusions - colour: black, white -- Hardness: medium-hard -- Core presence: thick -- Decoration technique: imp+inc -- Decoration quality: fine