Tomb and Item:
Tomb 34, P104
White Painted IV
Rim, body and handle fragment from a small bowl. Incurved rounded rim. High vertical handle, from the rim, square in section, with flattened area at the apex, perhaps serving as a thumb-grip. Decorated in dark brown to black slip with a slight to medium lustre. Solid paint on rim. Vertical wavy line on surface of handle, continuing to lower body on interior, where it is flanked by straight lines. Also on interior, two parallel horizontal wavy lines below rim. On exterior, on upper body, horizontal row of hatched upright triangles, triple framed on the left side only with isolated circles in the interstices, above three horizontal lines. Below handle vertical wavy line. On lower body, four parallel vertical lines from below handle. Two or more parallel vertical lines on side of body. Drawn.
General shape: small open -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: rim, handle, body -- Joins: 2 -- Rim course: incurved -- Rim profile: constant -- Rim end: rounded -- Handle type: high vertical -- Handle section: square -- Handle location: from rim -- Handle projection present -- Rim diameter - general: <100 -- Rim diameter - specific: 90 -- Wall below rim: 3 -- Wall - body: 3 -- Handle section 1: 7 -- Handle section 2: 8 -- Exterior slip: medium -- Interior slip: medium -- Exterior lustre: slight -- Interior lustre: slight -- Paint lustre: slight -- Mottling - interior: none -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 7.5YR7/4, 7.5YR7/6 -- Colour interior: 7.5YR7/4, 7.5YR7/6 -- Colour - paint: 7.5YR4/3-3/2 -- Colour - fabric: 7.5YR6/6 -- Burnish: even -- Texture: very fine -- Inclusions - number: medium -- Inclusions - size: small -- Inclusions - colour: white -- Hardness: medium-hard -- Core presence: none -- Decoration technique: painted -- Decoration quality: medium